2024.04.02 COVER Corporation Announces hololive Meet 2024 Ambassadors

COVER Corporation announced today the five new Ambassadors for hololive Meet 2024.
Shirakami Fubuki (hololive), Kobo Kanaeru (hololive Indonesia), Hakos Baelz (hololive English), Minase Rio (HOLOSTARS), and Banzoin Hakka (HOLOSTARS English) have been appointed as hololive Meet 2024 Ambassadors, where they will be actively promoting ongoing and upcoming hololive Meet projects. The key visual illustration has been drawn by Pisuke and Ordan.There will be release of new merchandise featuring the newly appointed Ambassadors at a future date.
Comments from hololive Meet 2024 Ambassadors
Shirakami Fubuki (hololive)
“Knock knock goes the fox! I am Shirakami Fubuki, and as leader of the Fubukingdom, I am proud to announce that I’ll be an Ambassador for hololive Meet 2024! I’m looking forward to having a lot of fun with all of you Friends, so see you there! Glory to the Fubukingdom! Yaaay”
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@ShirakamiFubuki
X (Twitter) : https://twitter.com/shirakamifubuki
About Shirakami Fubuki : https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/talents/shirakami-fubuki/
Kobo Kanaeru (hololive Indonesia)
“BOKOBOKOBO!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so happy!!! This is my first time being an ambassador!!! what should i do what should I do AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ANYWAYS LET’S MAKE UNFORGETTABLE MEMORIES WITH hololive Meet!!!! I love you all & really look forward to seeing everyone in the coming events!!! LET’S HAVE A LOT OF FUN TOGETHER!!!! EHEK~”
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@KoboKanaeru
X (Twitter) : https://twitter.com/kobokanaeru
About Kobo Kanaeru : https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/talents/kobo-kanaeru/
Hakos Baelz (hololive English)
“WAZZUP!! It’s your WORLDWIDE IDOL RAT, one of your hololive Meet 2024 Ambassadors!!! I’m so beyond honored and HYPED for this year!! Meeting you guys is always the highlight of any event and I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE WHAT THE YEAR BRINGS!! XD I will do my best as an Ambassador and hopefully give you guys an experience you’ll never forget!! Thank you to everyone all around the world for always supporting hololive production!! 2024 IS OUR YEAR BABY!!! IT’S TIME TO HAVE SOME FUN!”
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@HakosBaelz
X (Twitter) : https://twitter.com/hakosbaelz
About Hakos Baelz : https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/talents/hakos-baelz/
Minase Rio (HOLOSTARS)
“Hello! I’m Minase Rio from HOLOSTARS UPROAR!! The support from my overseas fans always motivates me a lot, so I’m incredibly happy that I’ll get to be an Ambassador in this hololive Meet! Just like the others, I’ll give it my all to spread the love for hololive production and HOLOSTARS across the world. I hope you’ll have a great time with us!”
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@MinaseRio
X (Twitter) : https://twitter.com/minaserioch
About Minase Rio : https://holostars.hololivepro.com/en/talent/minase-rio/
“YEAAAH WOOO YEAAAH! The coolest and the cutest Exorcist here! It is such an honor for me to be this year’s ambassador! I am very excited to make amazing memories with all of you guys, your support means the whole world to me, seriously! LET’S HAVE FUN YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!”
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@BanzoinHakka
X (Twitter : https://twitter.com/banzoinhakka
About Banzoin Hakka : https://holostars.hololivepro.com/en/talent/hakka/
For more information on hololive Meet, visit https://hololivemeet.hololivepro.com/ .